


Many people experience dental anxiety before and during dental procedures. It’s okay to feel nervous or even fearful when anticipating an appointment. We understand that our patients aren’t all the same. We have many methods available to provide you with a relaxed, comfortable dental experience. The most common forms of sedation used in dentistry are inhaled, oral, and intravenous sedation. While sedation dentistry makes the procedure more tolerable for you, it is important to understand that they are not painkillers, and you will still require the use of dental anesthetic.

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Been coming to this practice for over 30 years. Dr. Conrad is the best at what he does and the staff is amazing. They do their best to make procedures you need as comfortable as possible. Best Dentist in the Garland Firewheel area.

Frequently Asked Questions

Attractive young Caucasian woman talking to her dentist

Answer: Sedation dentistry involves the use of medication to help patients relax during dental procedures. It is an ideal option for those who experience dental anxiety or fear, have a low pain threshold, or require extensive dental work.

Sedation dentistry is generally safe when administered by a qualified and experienced dentist. However, as with any medical procedure, there are risks involved. Your dentist will discuss the risks and benefits of sedation dentistry with you before your treatment. 

There are different types of sedation available, including nitrous oxide (laughing gas), oral sedation (pills), and IV sedation. Your dentist will recommend the appropriate option based on your individual needs and the complexity of your dental treatment. 

This depends on the type of sedation used. With nitrous oxide, you will remain conscious but feel relaxed. With oral or IV sedation, you may be in a state of heightened relaxation but still able to respond to your dentist’s instructions.